About Shelyak
Shelyak Instruments was created in 2006 to design and distribute scientific and educational instruments, as well as accompanying services.
The company’s primary objective is to develop spectrography in the world of astronomy, for both amateurs and professionals.
Shelyak, a special star
Shelyak is the name of the second brightest star in the Lyra constellation: beta Lyrae. Of ancient Arabic origin, Shelyak means “turtle”. The origin goes back to mythology. Mercury was resting on the banks of the Nile when he saw an empty turtle shell. He noticed the lovely sound that came out when he struck it, and so he had the idea of attaching strings to the turtle shell, creating the first musical instrument: a lyre!
But beta Lyrae is also a fascinating star. Its brightness varies over a dozen days, a phenomenon clearly visible to the naked eye. More importantly, its spectrum features numerous emission lines. Beta Lyrae is in fact a double star, with one star filling its Roche lobe and the other star being a Be: it is surrounded by a large ring of matter and has bipolar jets…
Shelyak is a special star for us, as it was one of the subjects of our studies. It’s quite natural that we decided to name the company Shelyak Instruments.
The founders
Shelyak Instruments was created by François COCHARD and Olivier THIZY, two amateur astronomers with decades of passion and experience. We designed the Lhires III in collaboration with Christian Buil, and handled all distribution through AUDE association.
The success of this instrument led us to create the company, and then to develop a whole range of products to meet the most varied needs.
In May 2016, Olivier decided to leave the company. Since then, François COCHARD has been the company’s sole shareholder and Managing Director. François trained as a mechanical engineer (Arts et Métiers).
We’re based in Le Versoud, near Grenoble, at the gate to the Alps. If you’re ever in the area, don’t hesitate to come and see us!
Administrative information
Banking information
Since March 2023, our bank (Banque Rhône-Alpes) has become theBanque SG Auvergne Rhône-Alpes
IBAN (International Bank Account Number) :
FR76 3000 3022 4900 0200 4507 783
SWIFT BIC (Bank Indentifer Code) : SOGEFRPP
Bank Name : SG CORENC (02249)
Address : 46, avenue du Grésivaudan, 38700 Corenc
Beneficiary Account Name : Shelyak Instruments SARL
Beneficiary Account Number : 00020045077
Bank Code :30003
agence : 02249
Account number : 00020045077
Key: 83
Domiciliation: CORENC
Legal information
SIREN : 491 435 236
SIRET: 491 435 236 00048 (RCS Grenoble)
Catégorie juridique INSEE: 5499 (autre société à responsabilité limitée)
Code NAF: 2651B (fabrication d’instrument scientifique et technique).
N° TVA intracommunautaire: FR04491435236