TimeBox II is a simplified - and equally accurate - version of the original TimeBox, which has been in the Shelyak catalogue for several years. It is considerably cheaper, and this is something that is likely to radically transform observations of stellar...
OHP 2024 spectro workshop
The OHP 2024 spectroscopy course will take place from Tuesday July 9th to sunday july 14th. This course is jointly organized by STAROS Projects and Shelyak Instruments, and the official language is French.Pre-registration for the course As every year, we give priority...
Alpy 200 : a “newcomer” to the Shelyak Instruments range
It's always a pleasure to announce a new instrument in our catalog, but this pleasure is increased by the fact that this instrument has been widely requested and even suggested by several observers. It was Robin Leadbeater - many years ago - who first alerted us to...
An exoplanet collision
How did a team of amateur astronomers become co-authors of an internationally renowned scientific publication?An association of amateur astronomers 2SPOT[1] is a public-interest scientific association created in 2019 by five amateur astronomers (Stéphane...
My experience of the 2023 spectro course
At the end of this article, you will find the different presentations made by the course leaders!August 8th arrival at OHP Great day to plant setups at the Haute Provence Observatory. Amidst rosemary, myriads of little white snails and other small creatures, I arrived...
Remote Spectroscopy – the UVEX Motor Unit
When looking to upgrade from my LISA in 2020, the UVEX had much to recommend it. Its ability to access a broad spectral range was important as was the flexibility to both adjust the grating angle and to swap over gratings to shift between low and mid resolution....
Sol’Ex & Star’EX: a new way to approach astronomy
The Sol'Ex project (later followed by Star'Ex) offers a new way of "entering Astronomy": it is an approach that is affordable, simple, fun and fascinating. Here is what it is in a nutshell.Sol'Ex, to startSol'Ex is a project designed, organized and led by Christian...
2SPOT: a spectro setup in Chile
2SPOT: a spectro setup in ChileBy Olivier Garde, Pascal Le Dû, Lionel Mulato, Thomas Petit, Stéphane Charbonnel© Deep Sky Chile spotSince the 2000s, many amateurs have been installing remotely controllable telescopes on sites in Chile in order to compensate for the...
Sn 1181, an unusual story …
At first glance, it is curiosity that motivates any amateur who observes the sky. Sometimes this curiosity is rewarded by acquiring a very beautiful picture or by explaining a physical phenomenon that takes place thousands of light years from Earth, through spectroscopic observation.
RS Oph : the contribution of Shelyak spectrographs
On August 8, 2021, the recurrent nova RS Oph was observed in outburst at magnitude V = 5. The amateur community immediately mobilized to realize many spectra at various resolutions with various spectrographs (with resolving powers R = 600 to R = 30,000).
UVEX by Shelyak : first light
The very first tests of the UVEX prototype produced by Shelyak Instrument.
How to choose your autoguiding camera in 2020 ?
In astronomical spectroscopy, guiding camera is an important element, since it’s what makes it possible to point the right target (star, nebula, etc.), then to ensure precise guiding to inject the maximum light into the spectrograph slit.
Spectro Party OHP 2019 : retrospective
Retrospective of Spectro party 2019 at OHP, photos, spectra and more…
A compact telescope shelter
Workshop au Nouveau Mexique les 22, 23 et 24 février 2019
Spectroscopy Whorkshop SMSW-2
Spectro Workshop in New Mexico on February 22, 23 and 24, 2019.
Nearby or in thousands of km, take control of your calibration & flat lamps for Alpy, Lhires III and LISA.
SPOX module : to remotely control the flat and calibration lamps for Alpy 600, Lhires III and LISA.
Spectro Party OHP 2018 : retrospective
Retrospective of Spectro star party OHP 2018, photos, spectra and more…
Improved performance of the eShel spectroscope
eShel II: a new optimized doublet “bespoke” for the blue end
AG Draconis, Shelyak Spectros in the spotlight
Spectra made with Shelyak spectroscopes were used in a publication on the symbiotic star AG Draconis.
One week-end dedicated to Spectroscopy, organised by BAA
o promote astronomical spectroscopy, British Astronomical Association (BAA) organised last year a program including financial help for buying spectroscopes (Alpy made by SHELYAK Instruments)
Scientific papers, radial velocities and eShel
Scientific papers, radial velocities and eShel SHELYAK Instruments has sold many eShel to professional observatories around the world. The results enable our clients to advance science with paperss. We do not systematically refer to these papers because there...
Making Science with an Alpy
Making Science with an Alpy The last paper in Astronomy & Astrophysics magazine (A&A) “New outburst of the symbiotic nova AG Peg after 165 years “ is based on spectra collected by observers from all around the world (12 nations represented) with...
Spectroscopy : practical guide
Spectroscopy : practical guide The french version of the book is now a reference in the Astronomical community. It has been rewarded by a lot of great comments from readers, and papers in magazines. It is now available in english : Successfully Starting in...